
Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Who we are

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Terms and Conditions


By using you accept the following terms and conditions.

1) Object works with the aim to let people know about the distribution of free samples, products and/or services of third parties (hereinafter the “service”). The service is provided by Bamoa Ltd with its content or users registered on the site

2) Rights of third parties

The data and content placed by users may contain direct advertising, subliminal, hidden or indirect but no third party may claim about money referring to such information and content placed on the service. In particular, the user shall be accepting all terms of service, during his subscription.

The User declares that the information to Bamoa Ltd(a) are not false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, (b) are not fraudulent or involving the sale of counterfeit or stolen goods, (c) don’t violate the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other industrial property rights of third parties;(d) do not violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation, including, without limitation, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition or false advertising (e) they are not defamatory, libellous, threatening or harassing,(f) are not obscene and does not contain porno material; (g) does not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, or other computer programs that are intended to damage, interfere with or intercept any system, data or personal information, (h) do not attach any liability for Bamoa Ltd.

Anyone who had some claims or reasons to object the use of data and information can report it, even with a simple email to

3) Privacy and Data Security

Through the service, personal data are collected and processed for two different purposes:

a) Data collected for signing the Service.

All personal data provided and referring to the user (such as name, email address, phone number), are provided only to sign the Service.

For this type of treatment, the User is acting as an interested party to the treatment and Bamoa Ltd as owner of data processor. The user can choose to give his personal data, it is optional, but necessary for the use of the Service; if you refuse to give your Data, Bamoa Ltd may not be able to provide You the Service.

The processing does not concern sensitive data and will take place exclusively in electronic form, in compliance with prescribed by D.lgs. n. 196/2003 (Privacy Code), the annexes of the Privacy Code and by the provisions of the authority for the protection of personal data (Garante Privacy). the extent strictly necessary to better compliance with the obligations arising from the provision of the Service, as well as for the obligations required by laws, regulations and legislation or provisions issued by authorities empowered by law or by the vigilance and control (eg legislation anti-money laundering).

For this treatment, the user can use the right according to the art 7 of penalty code, as his right to get the updating or the deleting of Data.

b) Data collected for the Service

Users have the possibility to share their Data and information with other users, deciding freely on their publication within

In this case, if you involve data and content of third parties,they have to be informed about that.

Therefore, in relation to the type of treatment provided for in this subparagraph (b)), the user acts as owner of the treatment.

Bamoa Ltd ensures compliance with the Privacy Code and, in particular: i)will treat the  activities in the ways and limits strictly necessary to the realization of the service, by authorized persons (art. 30 Privacy Code) and according to the principles of lawfulness, proportionality and fairness (art. 11);ii) will adopt safety measures and their update, according to the prescriptions of art. 31 et seq. of CP and the rules of Annex B of the CP; iii) at the end of performance data will be deleted within [six] months and will not be further retained by Bamoa Ltd except specific request.

The User will have the right to make periodic checks about the data and content. Bamoa Ltd informs the User about the treatment modalities and communicate any abnormal or critical situation

4) Warranties and liability limitation

Bamoa Ltd does not receive fees from users for the service. This is offered for free and without guarantees of outcome. Bamoa Ltd doesn’t provide any warranty about the accuracy, scientific or the accuracy of the information provided by the service.

The user is responsible for his account on and he’s responsible for all activities that occur through his profile. Bamoa Ltd has no control over the use of the user’s account and expressly disclaims any liability that may arise.

If the user suspects that an unauthorized party is using the account or suspects any breach of security, should send an email to

The user has to check the accuracy of the information he gave.

The user gives Bamoa Ltd ownership of all information he gave with non-exclusive licence to use, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable and entitled to exercise all economic rights, rights of publicity and all other rights on the information entered in the service, subject to rights of third parties.

Bamoa Ltd has no responsibility for the service and activities, except in the case of intent or negligence, has no responsibility for actions or claims that can be moved or advanced by third parties and will pay back Bamoa Ltd in connection with any damage suffered as well as legal measures, or any type of higher cost or loss in which Bamoa Ltd is incurring as a result of the above warranties.

Bamoa Ltd may suspend the service at any time, for any reason or for no reason, sending a notice through one Email.

Bamoa Ltd may interrupt or suspend the service in case of violation of terms of service, and reserves the right to take the necessary legal actions for damages.

 The user may terminate the Service giving up the use of it. All information entered by the user in the service shall remain in the Service

5) Governing law and jurisdiction

this agreement is ruled according to Italian law. Any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation, execution or termination of this agreement will be given to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Milan court